Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 Weeks left

So... I decided to try AGAIN to keep up with the blog... I know I often get emails from many of you asking how Harlee is doing... so here is a quick update...

I'm a little sad... There is only 2 weeks left before Harlee turns 1! I CAN NOT believe it! She has grown WAAAYYYY too fast! It seems like just yesterday she was born.

She is getting very fun! It seems like everyday she learns something new... and what she doesn't know she tries to find out...

She FINALLY started crawling on all fours... instead of the army crawl. She is pulling up everywhere and "crusing" around the couch... she still seems a little nervous to let go and take a step.

A little downside is that she is not thinking she wants to sleep past about 3:30 in the night... any suggestions are welcome! Mommy and Daddy are TIRED!

At first she was not digging the "big people food"... but now is coming around... she really likes beans, rice, chicken, and groud beef... and OF course her snacks... Mom and I made the mistake of hyping her up on sugar before church last Sunday... NO more Fruit Loops.

She is also trying to talk... so far the only word she consistantly says on purpose is "ball" However, it was super sweet when she was "talking" to Deric on the phone Saturday night... We both SWEAR she said "Hi DaDee" SO CUTE! She also tries to sing Ol' McDonald... she has the "E I E I" part down and everyonce in a while throws in the "OOOOO"

Granny and Grandpa have been teaching her the "cowgirl ways". She knows how to work and feed cows... and whenever you mention cow she says "booooo" And her Daddy has her out checking deer feeders and scouting for the upcoming deer season.

All in all Harlee is keeping us busy and entertained... We love her more than anything and couldn't imagine our lives without her!

And I promise to try to be better at keeping you all updated!